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CBJ Sisterhood Annual Membership Form 24.25

Friendship. Community. Support.

Your Sisterhood membership makes so many wonderful things happen. Together, we support B’nai Jehudah and strengthen our collective voices through Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ). You will also benefit in many ways:
Meet new people and make new friends
Help those in need
Learn ways to make your life easier and more meaningful
Develop your leadership skills
Receive a 10% discount in our gift shop
It’s also a lot of fun!
Our members range in age from young to young-at-heart. We provide exciting programming especially designed for women with children in religious school during Yalla! time. We also get together for Girls Night Out, Mah Jongg and so much more!

For more information, please email (If you are unable to pay sisterhood dues please request confidential financial assistance.)

Thank you for joining the B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood.

Check all that apply
Check all that apply

Please consider a special donation level to help support our efforts!
Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785