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January 31- Rabbi's Table: Rabbi's Table featuring Nolan Gasser

January 31 at 6:00pm
Please register by January 17.

A new way to welcome in Shabbat! Join us for a catered Shabbat dinner and learn from our special guest speakers! This replaces the Erev Shabbat Service (Mourner's Kaddish will still be read). Cost is $20/person for dinner; space is limited so please register early. Rabbi’s Table is generously sponsored by Patricia Werthan Uhlmann.

Dr. Nolan Gasser is a former congregant and friend of Rabbi Kramer. He will help us understand the unique attributes and emotional appeal of Jewish music from cantillation to klezmer.

Dr. Nolan Gasser is a composer, pianist, author, and musicologist — most notably, the architect of Pandora Radio’s Music Genome Project. His best-selling 2019 book WHY YOU LIKE IT: The Science & Culture of Musical Taste is also the focus of his forthcoming PBS special (November 2024).

   Dairy Free
   Gluten Free
   No Dietary Restrictions
$20.00 per person
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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784