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Sweet & Sacred: Breaking Sweet Bowls and Making Them Sacred

Sunday, August 29, 2021 21 Elul 5781

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Sweet and Sacred Series

Elul is the Hebrew month leading up to the High Holy Days. During this month we are encouraged to take a deep look inwards at how we have responded to the blessings and challenges of the past year. It is a time of self-reflection, forgiveness, and exploration. Join our new Senior Rabbi Stephanie Kramer as she teams up with our B’nai Jehudah staff for a month of in-person learning, hands-on experiences, and spiritual offerings that will help you reflect, explore, and contemplate as you head into Jewish New Year 5782. Events are free of charge and will follow B’nai Jehudah’s current COVID protocols that are in place at that time. We will hold many of these events outside (when possible).

Breaking Sweet Bowls and Making Them Sacred: August 29 | 10:00 am | all ages

Join Rabbi Kramer and Director of Education, Dayna Gershon in a process of physically and metaphorically restoring something broken and creating something new. This project will help prepare us for the High Holidays using a combination of the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery, called Kintsugi, and a look at reflective and restorative text from our tradition. This project is appropriate for all ages, little hands will need assistance. Please bring a towel, a hammer, and - if you have one - a bowl you would like to break.

Note: please include the names of all attendees for your group in the "Notes" on the registration below.

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Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785